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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dumb don dense defense cannot defend him against the charges. They are all TRUE. What do they do?

The dumb don dense defense cannot defend him against the charges. They are all TRUE. What do they do?

They attack the process. They attack the truthtellers. They attack the Constitution. They attack the supporters of the Constitution.

Now is anyone THAT dumb to fall for it? I mean doesn't even DUMB have a bottom to it?

They say even if he is guilty as charged he is above the law and cannot be held to it.

Now is anyone THAT dumb to fall for it? I mean doesn't even DUMB have a bottom to it?
Oh right I already said that. Some things bear repeating.That would be one of them.

Let the dense dumb don defense keep attacking. They contradict one another. They speak gibberish with authority and such sincerity. They are a HOOT.

Posted - January 31, 2020
