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"Legal Muttonhead" Al Dersh attacks legal muttonhead Al Dersh. How did he do it THIS TIME?

He spent a lotta time defending FASCISM and AUTHORITARIANISM going so far as to say if the president BELIEVES what he is doing is in the best interests of the nation and the people he can do whatever he wants to do. If he believes his re-election is in the bests interests of the country no holds barred. He has the right to do anything everything all things..without contraint restraint or limits. Yep. He really said that.

He came under huge attack and then said what he said wasn't what he said.

Typical of the dumb don dense defense team. Maybe once upon a time long ago before Al Dersh became senile and political he mighta been a contender. He mighta been someone instead of a bum which is what he has become. A hoor a shill a blithering gibberish idiot. A retired Law Professor? That is exceedingly hard for me to believe unless he flipped his lid and popped his cork and cracked his pot AFTER he retired. All we have of him is what is left of him now and it is an embarrassment to any educator that he is referred as a "professor". In my opinion. Do you think Al Dersh rocks or sucks?

Posted - January 31, 2020
