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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "To Kid or Not to Kid". A book written by a dame justifying her decision to be CHILD FREE. Seriously. Why did she write it?

"To Kid or Not to Kid". A book written by a dame justifying her decision to be CHILD FREE. Seriously. Why did she write it?

Apparently society puts a bazillion pounds of pressure for people to have kids and she wants them to know it's OK not to want kids or have them.

As if we don't already KNOW that?

People will hoor for any topic to make a buck. I think it sucks.

When people decide not to have kids I congratulate them. They would have made lousy parents so they save a kid a miserable life.

SIGH. Follow the money.

Posted - February 3, 2020


  • 10795
    Everyone thinks that their way is the best.  "If I can do it, everyone can!"

    They're not passing on wisdom, rather they're being arrogant (whether they think so or not).  Many of the 'help" books written are worthless.  Everything doesn't work for everyone.  
      February 3, 2020 6:58 PM MST

  • 113301
    I listened to her talk bullsh** crap. I don't know if anyone is gonna be dumb enough to buy the book. Folks who don't want to have kids have EVERY RIGHT to live a life without being parents. It is NO ONE'S BUSINESS but theirs. There could be many reasons for it all of which are their business. Someone is gonna write a book titled "TO SMOKE OR NOT SMOKE" and come up justifying smoking? I have no idea how many saps will buy that book and she'll make big bucks undeservedly. There is an audience for everything. More's the pity. I mean some folks don't get married purposely. Not their cuppa tea. Where's the book that says TO MARRY OR NOT MARRY? Or are there already books like that? AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. We are whom we are and as long as we don't hurt anyone or ourselves we have EVERY RIGHT to live our lives as we see fit without being criticized for it. :).
      February 4, 2020 2:21 AM MST