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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Bi-level potential for the species...homo sapiens. Accomplishment which is undeniably achieved. Character which isn't. Will it ever be?

Bi-level potential for the species...homo sapiens. Accomplishment which is undeniably achieved. Character which isn't. Will it ever be?

Breathtaking technological advancements achievements since ancient times when the wheel and fire were the hottest things (no pun intended) homo saps had going for them.

Character development? Hahahahahahahahahaha! Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman!

Why is that? Why have we been able to achieve marvelous things but as a species we fight to kill and fight to get what others have and fight to be the most powerful and fight just because we like to fight? Makes no sense that such a shoddy source as homo sap has soared intellectually but disappeared morally. Go figger.

Posted - February 5, 2020
