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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Once upon a time bravery/courage were admired and rewarded. Today? Anyone who is brave is THE ENEMY. How can that be?

Once upon a time bravery/courage were admired and rewarded. Today? Anyone who is brave is THE ENEMY. How can that be?

We now live in an a**backward inside out upside down world. We cannot ever get our bearings because  we have been taken hostage by a monster who keeps the world topsy turvy tumbling constantly just for kicks.

In the good old days monsters were what we fought not what we worshipped and rolled over for. The peeps are excellent at jumping through hoops and begging and playing dead..

Jack the Giant Killer...not Jack the Giant A** kisser...that's the way it used to be..

But a**kissing is now required to survive. Independent thinking will get you only misery. Toe the line. Stay on script. Don't even think of stepping out of the small little box or ad libbing. Become invisible by never calling attention to yourself. Learn to shut up and bobble head vertically and bow down at all times never daring to look up at his great magnificence. Learn fast or die.

Now this suits millions of people perfectly. I will never understand why.

Posted - February 7, 2020
