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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Many a truth is said in jest. Many a depiction of reality is found first in science fiction. Dare to enter the TWILIGHT ZONE?

Many a truth is said in jest. Many a depiction of reality is found first in science fiction. Dare to enter the TWILIGHT ZONE?

For you who are long-time fans.

The show depicts a very beautiful woman who is considered to be hideously ugly by the plastic surgeons/nurses working over her. They operate but it does no good. Nothing has changed. To their eyes she is hideous disfigured and must be removed from their society. She is sent off to live the rest of her life among others who are similarly afflicted and is met by a very handsome young man about her age who escorts her to their new land and they disappear into their new lives.

Meanwhile "back at the ranch" so to speak we finally see the faces of those in the operating room which we had not seen before. They were all porcine. All had pig faces. Their standard of beauty was looking like a pig and those who didn't meet that standard of beauty were shipped away.

Now we know we have a pig president. He is as porcine as they come. His standard of beauty is him so the more piglike you are the better he likes you. Squeal oink pig out grunt belch burp etcetera.

That is our reality predicted by Rod Serling many decades ago on a sound stage in front of a camera in black and white. Reality bites. Inevitability sucks.

Thinking makes it so.
What man can conceive man can achieve
You draw into your life what you dwell on

OR you have a dam* good imagination and earn your living at doing something people find to be of value and memorable like this episode.

The pig president wasn't exactly predicted BUT if the society consisted of porcine people what else could a president be but a pig? Swine. Hoggish. Piggish. Swinish.  You can't handle the truth? Go pound dirt!

Posted - February 7, 2020
