Formerly referred to as The United States of America
It is now and forever will be referred to as the banana republican king banana republic filled with banana republicans who all adore bananas. They not only eat bananas they drive people bananas. Obviously meant to be.
They live in a banana republic
They are banana republicans
They eat bananas
Drive people bananas
Bake banana nut bread daily which is all they eat besides raw bananas
They attract others who adore bananas like chimpanzees gorillas monkeys and KING KONG the best and biggest banana eater of all time
Also Tarzan who got to adore bananas and Cheetah who grew up on bananas.
Banana cream pie. Banana bread. Banana cookies. Banana malt. Banana vodka. Banana candy. Havabanana why don't you? Banana shakes Banana malts Banana soup? Serve cold with dollops of whipping cream like BORSCHT. Banana liquer. Banana gum. Banana salad. Havabanana why don'tcha? Whoops. Said that.
The banana republic king will put his brand on all bananas and get a cut of all the sales.
"Dumb don's bananas are better than better than all the rest buy 'em or else"
Are you a banana fan or just a banana republican? Can a banana republican't?