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America 2017

Mark Rittenhouse

The United States is divided today as much as it was during the Civil War. We aren’t shedding blood in furious, literal warfare, but the hatreds–the differences in thought–divide as surely as did the north-versus-south issues of the mid 1800s.
Our name “United ” is no longer applicable in the truest sense. We are split in many ways, from political ideology with regard to constitutional authority, to worldview on geopolitics, socioeconomics, and religion. In terms of the discipline of human psychology, we are a schizophrenic country. We have severe split personality disorder, at the very least.
National schizophrenia continues to manifest in ways that indicate mental disorder within some factions of American society and culture. Anger, unfounded, i.e., unprovable as to reasons it is warranted, is growing. Denial of reality, in that much of the population refuses to accept the legitimacy of a constitutionally conducted presidential election, is a prime symptom of the nation’s psychological illness.
Members among that faction talk openly in social media about actually wanting to see the newly elected president murdered. It’s a psychological–even psychotic revisitation, some might say–of those long ago, southern-like sympathizers in the mold of John Wilkes Booth.
Their mindset is not unlike that of the dastardly assassin, who so resented President Lincoln after Lincoln’s directing the winning of the Civil War to preserve the Union that he could abide nothing less than the sixteenth president’s murder.
Voters have spoken within the rational, constitutional process. They put the current president in office. Mainstream media, entertainment media, higher educational institutions, and leftists of every stripe refuse to accept the legitimate election. They are observably driven to a form of madness. They are the ones who manifest the mental illness they accuse the new president of having.
We review just a few of the schizophrenic symptoms manifest in the U.S. It all stems from reprobate or upside-down thinking of which the apostle Paul warned in Romans chapter 1. It’s what happens when any people move in a direction other than that which God prescribes.
* Muslims are called peaceful while Christians are called homophobic, islamophobic, etc.
* The liberal mindset is that we should do all for the children, yet they are responsible for 58 million being murdered n their mothers’ wombs.
* This mindset calls homosexuality an acceptable alternate lifestyle, while God Word calls it abomination
* Marriage is between one man and one woman, and this culture now says it is legally a marriage between man and man and woman and woman.
* The mindset is to say “God Bless America,” yet the government has kicked God out of public affairs in 1963 and since.
* Schizophrenia exists as Islamists commit heinous attacks out of hatred for anyone who doesn’t see things their way (bow to Allah), yet the mindset is that we must have open arms and welcome people from those countries–without questioning and examining (vetting) them.
* Christians are called intolerant, yet the progressives won’t tolerate the Christian worldview–they see it as intolerant and hateful.
* Men want to become women, women want to become men–now men want to be made into women who can have babies.
* Presidential administration always looks for a “motive” when it is obviously Islamists who murder. Never call them Islamic terrorists.
* Socialism is literally impoverishing all societies around the world and yet capitalism is called the system that demeans people–examples being Venezuela and other places of late…
* Israel has only a sliver of land and the Arab nations have vast lands, yet the world diplomatic community (and many among the ideological left in America) demands that the Jewish state divide its land and give it to make a Palestinian state–from people blood-vowed to kill all Jews.
The final bulleted point in this list is the most troubling. It holds the very fate of America within its grip, if one believes God’s Word as given in Genesis chapter 12–and we do.
The schizophrenia is seen to be a perhaps unresolvable spiritual malady in this regard. America has for the last couple of decades–particularly over the past eight years–exhibited a split over support of Israel.
The former administration “put light” between the U.S. and Israel, something one of the Obama administration spokespersons vowed would happen as stated at the very outset. The Trump administration has vowed to do just the opposite. It has indeed to this point embraced the Jewish state and even is seriously considering moving the American embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.
Yet at the same time, the American government is again befriending Israel, there is a faction, made up of domestic terrorists, it seems, who are exhibiting psychotic hatred reminiscent of that found in the Germany of the 1930s.
NEW YORK – Antisemitic incidents in the United States surged by 34 percent in 2016 compared to 2015, and have jumped 86 percent in the first quarter of 2017, new data released by the Anti-Defamation League on Monday showed.
In its annual ‘Audit of Antisemitic Incidents’, the ADL reported that there has been a “massive increase” in the amount of harassment of American Jews, particularly since November, the month of the US presidential election.
The report stated that there was a total of 1,266 acts targeting Jews and Jewish institutions in 2016, nearly 30% of which occurred in November and December. These incidents included 720 incidents of harassment and threats, 510 vandalism acts and 36 physical assault incidents.
During the first three months of 2017, another 541 incidents took place including 380 harassments and 161 bomb threats. In addition, the beginning of the year saw 155 vandalism acts – including three cemetery desecrations– and six physical assault incidents. Among the latest incident, included one last month, in which a New York rabbi received a threatening email, which read in part: “Things will start getting bloodier for the Jew boys, I know where you live.”
According to the data, if antisemitic occurrences continue at this rate, 2017 could end with over 2,000 incidents. (Source: “US Antisemitic Incidents Jump 86% at Start of 2017,” Danielle Ziri, Jerusalem Post, April 24, 2017)
For the moment, it seems that the current administration wants to apply healing balm to the rift with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his nation caused by the previous administration. But the American schizophrenia remains a most serious spiritual disease that grows within. Believers must continue praying as hundreds of thousands prayed leading up to the presidential election just past. It is the only Rx that will spare this nation the demise that the Lord says will befall all individuals and nations who choose to defy His divine order for mankind.

  • The US has a nation that is bound and determined to remove every trace of God from within its borders - even though many of its citizens claim to believe in Him.  They're not only trying to eliminate Him from their culture, but are purposefully do what He says not to do just to mock Him.  Not only do they deliberately flaunt these atrocities, they make them laws of the land so that even those who disagree with them must comply (i.e. gay marriage, abortion, transsexual, idolatry).

    "They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too." - Romans 1:32.

    Sadly, the US is becoming comparable to the Canaanite nation before God destroyed them (see the book of Joshua).  
    Posted May 6, 2017
  • Shuhak ~ It is so wonderful to know that someone understands what is happening, even though it is heartbreaking, I am very glad to hear your response, Thank you and God bless. We need to pray without ceasing  that change will come.

    Posted May 12, 2017
  • We need to protect religious freedom.  The government hasn't seemed interested in doing so.
    Posted May 14, 2017
  • Obama did everything within his power to bring division, Pres. Trump is doing all within his power to return to religious freedom.
    Posted October 9, 2017