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Political dissensions, terrorist attacks, droughts, floods, tornadoes, famines, wars, murders, rape, cancer, sadness, homelessness, death…

This world is engulfed in misery and suffering.  It seems that no matter where we turn we’re inundated with adversity.  And just when we think it can’t possible get any worse... it does.  It’s downright depressing! 

But this world isn’t our home.  We’re merely sojourners here on pour way to a permanent home.  A home …

- Where there’s no death – think about it… no obituaries, no funerals, and no graveyards.  In the bible, death means separation.  So if there’s no death, then that means we’ll never be separated there – not by time or distance… and we will NEVER be separated from God.

- Where there’s no sorrow – that means no regret, no depression, no unhappiness, no sadness, no anguish, no anxiety.  Hmm… guess that means there’ll be no pharmaceutical companies there either.

- Where there’s no crying – Ever hear of the saying “crying over spilt milk” (meaning to dwell on past misfortunes)?  Well, there’ll be no past (current or future) misfortunes to cry over there.   There’ll be nothing there for us to cry about.

- Where there’s no pain – not only physical pain but also mental anguish.  That means NO HEARTACHES!  No aching inside at injustices or calamities either as they won’t exist.

- Where there’s no sun or moon for the glory of God will illuminate it – that means no sunburns, no sweating, no electrical bills... and no shadows.  If there’s no sun then it can never set; that means no darkness.  Since we mostly sleep at night perhaps we can extrapolate that we won’t need sleep, but instead we’ll just keep going and going… never tiring and never wearing out (just a thought).

But the best thing about this new home is that God will always there.  Here we have faith that God is with us as we can’t physically see Him.  But there we will always see God.  No matter which direction we turn there will be God.  There’ll be no sin to hide Him.

Yes, the troubles of this world can be very discouraging.  But unlike the world, we have a hope… a hope of an eternal home in heaven.  And that hope keeps us going in spite of adversity.

“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.  In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.  If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.”  -  Jesus (John 14:1-3)

  • Awesome post!! God bless you..........
    Posted October 9, 2017