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Do you fully grasp what Almighty God Did?

  • No one is able to fully grasp what God did.

    No one can full understand why He did it.

    What God did was the complete opposite of what humanity teaches.  Humanity teaches self - "me first".  But God put humanity ahead of Himself.  

    Oh, we can say He did it out of love, but can anyone ever fathom the depth of that love?  A love so deep and so strong that it held the Almighty God to a stick of wood.

    We say, "He did it so we could go to heaven".  But is that really the reason?  No.  He set aside His glory, His power - His everything just so we could be with Him and He with us.  That's all.  Period.

    God wants to have an intimate relationship with us.  So intimate that we are 'in' Him and He 'in' us - just like the relationship He shares with His Son. "In" doesn't mean 'inside' as many people think (God is literally inside us).  It's deeper than that.  "In" is a relationship so intense that there is no boundary between.  No point where God stops and we begin, just one complete "us".  We cannot wrap our finite minds around such a concept (mostly because we think physical - and God is NOT physical. It's mot mystical or magical.  It's like when God created marriage to unify a man and a woman into one ("they shall become one flesh").  

    Heaven is simply a 'place' where we will be with God, but this relationship starts HERE!  When we put on Christ we begin this relationship starts, and NOTHING - not man, not Satan, nothing can ever hinder or dissolve it.  Why, the only thing in all of creation, in all of heaven and hell that could break this relationship ... is us.  We can choose to end it, just like we can choose to start it.

    But just like any relationship, it takes effort to maintain this relationship with God.  Satan wants to destroy the relationship (or prevent it in the first place).  If a husband or wife were to ignore their spouse, not talk to them or constantly do their own thing, that relationship will more than likely fail.  The same is with God's relationship.  If we don't spend time with Him (in His Word, in prayer, in thought and deed), the relationship will fail.  Not because God isn't trying, but because WE aren't trying.

    God spanned all of heaven in search of His lost sheep.  He gave His very life for that sheep.  The world doesn't care about that sheep.  In fact, the world sees that sheep as a nuisance, an inconvenience, something to exploit and destroy.  But God sees that sheep as His.. made in His image and of more valuable than His own life.  YOU are that lost sheep.  God wants to bring you back to Him and have that intimate relationship with you.  Do you want one with Him?  It's your choice. 

    Posted July 31, 2016
  • Beautifully said. We can't understand God's Holiness and how he lowered himself and was found guilty of ALL our sins. God is perfect. He took the rapist and the perverse and the murderers sins as his own. He was punished instead of them. All sins need a blood sacrifice. All sins need to be punished. God is perfect. He is Holy. He loves us so much that he want us to go to heaven and he wants a relationship with him. Our hearts are changed when The Holy Sprit comes in and lives in our bodies. We are changed forever. People don't realize that Satan is roaming and he is deceiving the whole world with his new age, and false religions. People are slaves to sin.

    So I pray for all you who have not trusted in Jesus yet. If you who have not repented please repent. if you repent of your sins, trust in Jesus as God's Son dying for you  2016 years ago, then God forgives you for everything and you are a new person. Praise God. Then God will intercede for you. You will see how good God is to you.

    Posted July 31, 2016