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Dr Finley, MD did an intense detailed Bible study (signs of the

  • People have been predicting Jesus' return for many, many years now. It is a vain and pointless effort.  NO ONE knows when Jesus will return... not even Jesus Himself!  

    Jesus' return isn't on some set day (August 1, or June 2016, or whenever).  Jesus will return when there aren't enough righteous (salt) left to 'preserve' it.  

    Oh, we may think things are bad (and they are).  But how many people were living at the time of the flood?  Of all the people on the earth God only found 1 righteous person (Noah's wife, sons and their wives were spared because of Noah's faith).  Remember when Abraham "bargained" with God not to destroy Sodom?   Abraham started with 50 and got down to 10.  And God said if there were but 10 righteous in Sodom He wouldn't destroy the city.  God barely found 1 - Lot.  (Again, Lot's wife and daughters were spared because of Lot's faith).  But even then Lots wife disobeyed and was destroyed.  His daughters then had sex with their father (really righteous people, huh?).  What's more, God not only destroyed Sodom, but Gomorrah and all the cities of the plains (save Zoar) as there weren't ANY righteous in them.

    God didn't have a pre-determined date when he was going to flood the world (And God said to Adam, on July 22 4045 BC I will flood the earth - So be ready!)  Nor did He have a pre-determined date when He would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.  No,He destroyed them when there weren't enough righteous left to make their existence worth it.

    And so shall it be with the earth.  When there aren't enough righteous left to make this world worth while, Jesus will come.  And NO ONE knows that number or when it will happen.  It WILL happen, the bible makes that abundantly clear.  So instead of wasting time trying to guess when Jesus will return, we should spend our time obeying Him and sharing the good news with others.  Because when He DOES come, there will no longer be the opportunity for salvation.  NOW is the time to respond!  NOW is the time WE have to share Jesus with others.  Tomorrow may never come! 

    Posted August 26, 2016
  • Jesus didn't know the specific day when he was walking among us  but he told us the generation of his coming. We are that generation. We know the signs and if we are not looking forward to heaven we are not saved. We can't love  this world and be saved. We need to evaluate if we are born again and putting God first all of the time. God tells us that when the gospel has gone out to the whole world, nation, and people then the end. But God is the one who saves. He is saving thousands every day in China and other countries due to the internet. We have very little time to witness the glorious hope in us, that Jesus died for humanities sins 2016 years ago.

    I think he will come this fall, or maybe within 5 years, looking at the signs of the times. I think Dr. Finley maybe is overestimating how long.

    1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that

             I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the

             Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say: Peace

             and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a

             woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not

             in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the

             children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor

             of darkness.”                                                                 ( I Thes 5: 1-5 )


    Posted August 26, 2016
  • I agree the signs are there.  And yes, many are still being saved. The gospel HAS gone out into all nations!  The apostles did that.  It's our "job" to KEEP it there as Satan keeps trying to push it out.

    But I feel that Jesus will come back when this earth no longer produces the "Christians" (those who TRULY follow, obey and love God) it was intended to do .

    Posted August 27, 2016
  • The gospel is still going out to the world. There are still those who have not heard the gospel, even in our own cities. We have such a great opportunity to witness the love of Jesus to all the Syrians and other refugees now who are coming to us who are hurting, and to countries that have never had missionaries and heard the good news of Jesus dying for their sins. There might be some that haven't been born yet that God is choosing in these last days. I pray that God will save my daughters baby too who is going to be delivered in a few months. When the last person is saved that God has chosen, then Jesus will come. We don't know when but God is making it easier to witness with the internet, praise God. God warns that we are to be vigilant and sober.

    Posted August 27, 2016