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Art Lover
To L_____

And you know, I'm not sure anymore if I loved you...or just an idea of you.

But I still remember the feelings I felt when we first started talking. You were never supposed to mean so much to me, but you did. I just wish you could see yourself through my eyes.

I'm letting you go...not because I want to, but because you want me to. I'm letting go because I know you let go long ago. I'm letting go because I'm tired of being sad.

I want to say I miss you, but I know it won't matter, so I'll just quietly pretend to myself that I don't. That's better than telling you and getting no response.

It makes me sad though that you won't see this. It makes me sadder still that I believe you wouldn't care even if you did.

I've loved people who didn't love me, and I've been loved by people who I didn't love back...and I'm not sure which feels worse.

But I do know that while I've lost someone who doesn't love me, you've lost someone who does love you. And I am sure which one of those is worse.

I'm not bitter. I hurt but I know that will fade. I truly wish you every happiness and sincerely hope you find what you're looking for.

You deserve it.

I'm sorry.

Be well, my friend.