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Dragonborn Again: Skyrim Special Edition Coming to Xbox One on O

Back when Bethesda was talking about developing Fallout 4, they mentioned porting the entirety of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim onto the newest generation of consoles to test it out. Since that time, fans have been clamoring for an up-rezzed, shinier version of Skyrim, and today at E3 2016, Bethesda promised exactly that.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition takes the snowy northern region of Tamriel and renders it in dramatically greater detail on the Xbox One. A whole slew of upgrades – from volumetric “god rays” for sunlight to new shaders to make snow and water look even more realistic – turn the world of Skyrim into an incredibly beautiful landscape. (The upgrade also makes the dragons a lot more terrifying. Better practice your FUS RO DAH!)

In the same vein as Fallout 4’s recent debut of mods on Xbox One, Skyrim Special Edition will also feature mods for the console versions. For the first time ever, Xbox gamers can experience the joy and insanity that come from the incredibly active Skyrim modding community.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition launches on Xbox One on October 28. For more info on Bethesda games, and other great news coming out of E3 2016, stay tuned to Xbox Wire.