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Technology » Discussions » Protein Uncovered That Stops Arteries From Clogging

Protein Uncovered That Stops Arteries From Clogging

Researchers found a protein that, one day, could be used to stop heart attacks and strokes by preventing arteries from clogging.

  • Hi.  I do believe that one day, in the  not so very distant future, there will be an end to disease.   So, this information that you share,  is exciting and believable.

    I think one day Mathmatically inclined,  Western Science will join with Energetic Eastern Medicine to create a whole synergistic pathway to keep us all aware of how to stay mentally and physically sane and healthy the way we were meant to grow and improve as a species. 

    Instead of shoving a pill down our throats, we will be able to combat any disease simply by tuning into our consciousness.  We will be sensitive again because we are in classes that teach us awareness.   Spirituality will be at the forefront and no one argues because we can see we are all forms of the ONE.    And in the distant future, we may discard the body entirely and live on a different plane altogether.   The Earth will  be some distant memory.  Remember, friends, eternity is a very long time.

    Thanks for this information too.

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    Posted June 27, 2016