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Trump refused to throw out the first pitch for the Nationals. Why? Bad arm?

Posted - March 31, 2017


  • 22891
    i have no idea, maybe he did have a bad arm
      April 3, 2017 3:36 PM MDT

  • 78
    Oh for God's sake your own research before  jumping on the internet bandwagon of bashing/attacking Trump , NOW over why he chose not to waste his/OUR time throwing out a silly ceremonial pitch for the Nationals. The facts are....Trump played baseball as a kid/teenager, was the captain of his NYMI High School baseball team and while playing baseball in High School was good enough to be scouted by the Phillies and the Red Sox.
    Oh man this constant Trump bashing by our msm and "know it alls" on the internet is only eye rolling reading material now. Eh hypothetically...Trump could find the cure for all cancers, eliminated ISIS and made peace happen in the Middle East, AND bake a cake for a same sex marriage,  and our msm, democrat politicians and liberal warrior bloggers would STILL report those positives in a NEGATIVE way.... as well as calling for an "independent" investigation on HOW he saved millions of lives to make sure there wasn't  Russian involvement. LOL!!!! This post was edited by Redsox16 at May 17, 2017 8:43 AM MDT
      April 3, 2017 9:37 PM MDT

  • Meh...Trump was playing Baseball while he was out on a medical deferment from the draft.  3 times actually.
    Bone spurs in he heels was one. He could play in college baseball and play sports, but he couldn't fight for our country.
    While his peers were going to war and dying, he was sipping champagne and laughing at them.

    Trump is a sniveling, draft-dodging pants crapper. He and Ted Nugent share a kinship, Gronk
      April 24, 2017 10:33 PM MDT

  • 2515
    Geez, Redsock16, we want Trump to walk on water. He claimed God chose him to be president. I heard him say that at the commencemen at Liberty University. If he makes unbelievable promises, people are going to expect him to come through. If he is president, there are some traditions former presidents follow. He probably didn't want to throw the first baseball of the season because he was afraid people would boo him, like people booed Betsy DeVoss, at a commencement. Trump's popularity had dropped to 40%. Besides that, if the game was on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, he isn't there. He has gone to Florida---Mar-a-Lago. Right now he is traveling to Israel, Turkey, and Italy. 
      May 17, 2017 10:40 PM MDT

  • 78
    If you believe the interpretation of your liberal masters anti-Trump propaganda of him claiming that God CHOSE him to be President................yes Virginia(Marguerite), there really is a Santa Claus who lives on 32nd St. smh.
      May 17, 2017 11:25 PM MDT

  • 78
    Judas, back in the 60's there were many good men who avoided being drafted to fight in the Vietnam War(a death sentence) using different reasons as to why...Ali was one of them as well as President Bill Clinton.    There were many men who fled to Canada or feigned being gay because they did not want to fight/die in a war gone wrong(a Dem war btw) your post about President Trump supposedly avoiding the draft due to  fake baseball injuries in college(where this original post was about him not wanting to throw the 1st pitch out at the Nationals game because he supposedly sucked at baseball,) is just more made up BS from those on the far left who STILL   can't accept OR respect the results...thus ignorantly thinking if you violently protest, post silly made up crap on-line about Trump, that the other half in our country who voted for Trump will magically start to think...."hmm that Goat guy made a lot of sense with his post about Trump not even being able to throw a baseball and how he avoided the draft because of his baseball injuries while playing baseball in college."  LOL!!!!!
      April 24, 2017 11:55 PM MDT

  • Nope... Trump is a coward, Gronk.

    You backed a coward, Gronk.  A full blown traitor... and someone who pulled a pillow case over your eyes.
    He hasn't delivered on one promise. AS a matter of fact, that swamp he was going to drain is full of establishment

    It's a fact that Trumps daddy bought him a ticket out of the war. That might explain his disdain for our veterans.

    So... Tell me which of these are incorrect. Damn...I'm still waiting for Hillary to go to jail and that doesn't seem to be happening. ROFLMFAO

      April 25, 2017 1:49 AM MDT

  • 78
    Oh please. .. you and your politically ill informed ilk/antifa nuts are the ones BEING USED  by our biased "msm" and lifer democrat politicians.... because they deem you all as their "useful idiots" because they know their base is politically IGNORANT as well as US History IGNORANT...therefore your liberal masters knowing that their base living in their parents basements or on welfare getting freebies will only leave their "safe spaces" in droves ala COCKROACHES to RIOT, vandalize and loot their own neighborhoods/vendors when told by their  liberal masters that those "evil Republicans" are trying to take away your "free" American ride with President  Trump's policies of creating JOBS where you will no longer be paid with OTHER PEOPLES hard earned money to continue to be couch potatoes having the excuse that there's no jobs out there.  THAT in a nutshell is why you, our liberal media, democrat politicians and the antifa loons despise President Trump for wanting to make America great again....because him exceeding in creating millions of jobs via his policies will result in the majority of citizens becoming financially self  reliant to support their families.INSTEAD of in need of a Socialist minded Democrat party to take care of their families anymore as their Democrat politicians live like KINGS and  QUEENS under the guise  for DECADES as fighting on their behalf.
      May 17, 2017 12:24 AM MDT

  • IN OTHER WORDS...  This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at May 17, 2017 8:42 AM MDT
      May 17, 2017 8:40 AM MDT

  • 78
    What the now I'm suppose to believe what Ann Coulter has to say???lol!!!!   Man it's MIND BLOWING how the ill informed in our country will blindly believe whatever a PAID  talking head(on either political aisle) has to say.. as long as what these paid "experts" have to say fits what they as ill informed want to hear/believe, smh.   I as a truly informed American of our Constitution and what each political party stands for based on past history, current history and how each party voted(s) on issues, there's no talking head on the left or right who could influence me to change my beliefs based on THEIR opinion as paid talking heads. This post was edited by Redsox16 at May 17, 2017 11:48 PM MDT
      May 17, 2017 10:23 PM MDT

  • 3463
    He was probably afraid of being shot.
    As many enemies as he has made, that was a smart choice.
      May 17, 2017 9:39 AM MDT