

Recent Entries

  • Love

    Love is relationship.  Positive interaction between people where all in some way benefit. I am not speaking of the agape of The Bible or of romantic love, though my definition might include them as well, but of imperfect human love. Love ranges from the most simple and even inane publ...
  • Hate

    We  hate because it is a convenient way to alleviate our inner or outer suffering and help us feel better about ourselves.  Sitting in judgment of others lends us a sense of moral superiority, a sense of being "good", which we are unable to find in our own lives. Thus hate is selfish ...
  • The Meaning of Life

    Is, quite simply, to cultivate oneself and help others do so. We cultivate ourselves through relationships, family, community, work, learning, study, reflection, ideals, vision, experience.We help others through support, aid, assistance, comfort, friendship.The more we are able to cultivate our...