Posted by
officegirl July 20, 2018 -
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Human Behavior
We hate because it is a convenient way to alleviate our inner or outer suffering and help us feel better about ourselves. Sitting in judgment of others lends us a sense of moral superiority, a sense of being "good", which we are unable to find in our own lives.
Thus hate is selfish and reflects our inability to cope with life. As we become too arrogant, too lazy, or too repressed to constructively adjust and improve ourselves we instead shift our focus to what we perceive as "bad" in others and project what we fear within ourself onto them. For to accept or identify with them would be to accept those parts of our own behavior we feel most guilty about. So we set ourselves up not only as accusers but as judge and jury as well and only to condemn. Because hate knows no compassion.
In hating we isolate, objectify, demean, and dehumanize the objects of our hatred without realizing we are doing the same things to ourselves. Hate narrows us, renders us ugly and dangerous, and ultimately consumes and destroys us.
The fruits of hate are bigotry, willful misunderstanding, injustice, and war.