The entry "Namaste" was the actual beginning of
this section Meditation 2.
But from now on the first talks will be the latest
of whatever i talk about
tossed on the waves of illusion
we weave this life, our reality of illusion.
When we can, we should jump out of the illusion
and through awareness let it all disappear
without Ego saying I am this or I am that
the transcendence of Ego attachment
that keeps us in the realm of thought....
being in the presence of the moment where the
Ego has disappeared
ok that is a state of being
where the presence of God is showing His true colors
and your Ego is not interfering,
not separating itself from the Source.
That experience, that enlightenment
where the Source is realized
and being experienced by the silent i Am
which is you,
your treasure
the Jewel of your heart
being in that state of being
is the state of Enlightenment
that's the place.
we become aware of through Meditation
all a bunch of words that
cannot express that of which i speak.
Cannot present a picture so you might understand
and experience that of which i speak.
pointing the way
so that you might find the way...
Slipping out of prison
Haha sounds dark and scary? huh?
slipping out of existence
going inside from out the backdoor of your mind.
Once the thoughts cease,
The Sea of Consciousness
opens the door to
the presence of God.
Meditation is very strong
very powerful .
Once the course is set
once your focus is in the right direction
that door opens quickly....
world disappears Ego Disappears
and you are in the presence of
that presence being within you, beyond
the manifested world
beyond the ego
beyond all of the attachments that
keep us stuck to the material world.
simply let go
and let God.
Knock Knock
Knocking on Heavens Door...
Happy New Year
Let Go
Become one
In Meditation we do.
in essence, we are God.
God exists within you
as you.
keep the Ego in play
and we never get passed the physical plane
of consciousness.
so all that we experience is the
material, physical world
that we exist in.
Attachments that feed the ego
keep the game in play
and although the physical plane
is bejeweled, luxurious, passionate
full of pleasure...
is an illusion
We are creators of our
The thought structure
that cements it together to present you a picture
of what you are experiencing
is the Ego
If you let the ego go
the whole world will disappear.
Meditation should be continuous
That means awareness
is open without any
The more Ego dissipates
the more that
the presence of God
and the awareness that
we are one Being
is known.
So if we are using that power of creation
to create our really groovy
world of passion
full of all of our pleasures
..."What's wrong with that?"
Problem is
it's the veil of illusion
and it never reaches the highest
realm of what we have the possibility
to experience.
It's stuck in a rut
because of our attachments
and the Ego.
Enlightenment? Yes! in a split second.
it's a veil that
can be made to disappear.
So that the Ego dissipates
In Meditation
instead of looking out
into the illusion
We look within to a higher state
of being....
sitting still
withdrawing our senses from the outside world
with no thoughts running through the mind
look Within
beyond the egoic attachments
When Ego dissipates
the illusion disappears
and the higher levels of your consciousness
the unveiling of your self
when that which is not real
that which is real remains
Love is the opening door
Where is the doorway to love?
Serious service
Every moment to opening the door
to love
to opening of who you are
Service to the every second of awareness
to the uplifting
to that which completes you
that uplifts you to love,
the opening door
It's down to one realizing
it's in that there "the awareness of the present moment'
simply descriptive stuff
being aware of all those words
simply as seeing it's part of the makeup
of the present moment,
of the doorway of love.
All those things that elevate your awareness
to bring you to the
doorway of love.
A state of awareness
of the present moment.
That's our actual state of
awareness when our
ego is not involved
the doorway of love is open.
the only thing is to be.
relax into your higher Self
in your awareness of the present moment
the doorway of love is egoless
to keep the doorway of love
drop the ego
ego separates
and closes the door of awareness that a window of love
is prevalent, and at work.
it's that something
that's active right this moment.
an ocean of consciousness
and then an egoic thought happens and the ocean of consciousness
becomes a lake of consciousness
And the stronger the thought
the more the door of consciousness closes down
and the lake of consciousness becomes
a puddle of consciousness
And then you are active on the physical plane
And the awareness of a deeper consciousness
has disappeared
and you are your regular person.
Our ego is our world
if ego disappears the world disappears
From the doorway of love
to the illusion of the Ego.
our attachments are strong.
Let's invest
in Ourself
"So today I wanted something.
Wanted it so bad, was yearning for it.
Thought about it all day long.
I couldn't wait"
This is but a
ripple in a pond.
a still pool of reflection
experiencing a movement
in it's stillness
A perfect reflection of the movement of thought
through Consciousness.
Our Absolute truth
being personalized and used to chase a desire
Imagine no ripples
too many ripples
and you have a chaotic mind.
Be Still
another day, another date.
another time
Imagine a still pond of water
crystal clear
you can see birds flying over head
in it's reflection
the tree limbs and leaves
moving as if dancing in it's reflection
just like a perfectly clear mirror
reflecting front and back, up and down
at every angle completely existing everywhere
an alive reflection of your self
your conscious consciousness
in the moment
of perfect reflection
no ripples, just perfect awareness
in that stillness
Now imagine a stick stirring up that pond of still water
all of the debris is floating around
all you can see is stuff, debris clouding the water.
Reflection is gone, stillness is gone
it appears only chaos
THIS is the state of the mind in that chaos
Meditation can bring about the stilling of that mind
settling down the pond of chaos
to that of the calm
of the reflection pool
of being.
Sat 6/29/19
As we are dreaming this life
and living this life in a realm of fixation
thus putting a veil of illusion
covering ourselves within and without
fixating ourselves in Time and Space...
and realize the Dream.
life is for you
awareness is forever
Letting go
to discover the Bliss within
the perfection of yourself
Bliss and Joy
I hope you have experienced this Blissful state of being
within yourself when Ego is transcended
all is revealed
just in being still
within yourself
Heart will lead mind
awareness will bring about heart
that we have this amazing Bliss wherever we go
is an awesome thing
amazing that we are so endowed
with a presence of the light of
your pure essence.
But I fear that many have not this experience
of jumping out of time
and just experience Being
by being still
Our mind will weave a web
that keeps us occupied totally
and we don't notice
because we are what we create
and lose awareness
of the stillness.
so we need to sit in silence occasionally
and do meditation
that brings us to
our inner being
so we don't get lost constantly
in our creation
Peace and Love
What are your thoughts today?
And what flavor are they?
Mad, Peaceful, Vindictive, Loving, healing,
full of Anger and hate?
What are you feeling with these thoughts?
And what are your actions
with all of these thoughts and feelings?
WHAT keeps us from knowing
and being in
the presence of God?
ALL of the above
it's a simple thing
to experience the eternal truth...
as simple as putting a camel
through the eye of a needle! haha
That would be hard huh?
just thoughts going through other thoughts
at one level.
When the mind is STILL
and no thoughts running through it
the reflection of the presence of God is revealed
But only when the mind is free of thought is
God's presence revealed.
That's why Meditation is so valuable
It helps us immediately
by withdrawing our attachment
to those thoughts that cover up that presence
so the presence can be revealed
Happy Holidays
A Happy New Year Blessed With
Good Fortune, Happiness, and Good Health be with You
In Meditation,
One point concentration (Awareness)
upon the presence
Upon the present moment
Presence in the Present
Simple isn't it.
Eyes closed
relaxing into the moment
stop the separation, the duality
Stop the thoughts that resultant in the separation
Let what will reveal itself, come to
your awareness
eliminate the separation
and the oneness
will be there
When the mind thinks,
fueled by the Ego (the made up you)
A separation occurs
a separation between Ego and God
Ego funny
can go good can go bad
But can dissolve itself
through your awareness
of being in the presence
of the present moment.
Step outside time and space
Once Ego dissolved
God appears through your
one pointed concentration
of the presence of that moment
Be Here Now wrote Ram Dass.
And then the fun begins
A revelation of Consciousness
comes to you through Meditation
No one can describe to you, to understand who you are
only you can experience this
to discover that you are God.
When one discovers the oneness of their Self,
to discover that you are that God
creating an extension of That GodSelf
portraying in this world as yourself,
your world will change
Meditation is so strong
you can see who you are....
Thought cannot reveal that
awareness, that revelation,
Thought will keep you in a rut.
(in Meditation)
Thought is the separation
that keeps one away
from the experience of your Self
Look inside your Self through Meditation
The eve of yesteryear
HappyNew Year
Do you know what the most fantastic
New Years Quest Would be?
OPENING the door
Within your heart and Soul
to your Divinity.
Through Meditation
The only way
Withdraw the senses
to the outer World
and place that awareness
within your Self.
Let go of that
thought of ego mind attachment
that separates you from the Truth of your Self.
And look within
Close the eyes let go of it all
and see what appears before your very eyes
Let go of the thought stream of the ego mind
Be Still
All of our lives we
are in Thought.
Thinking of this thinking of that
wanting this and that
Always on the edge of Enlightenment
But always in the Thought world.
Mind is an incredible thing,
Thought is an incredible thing,
the Ego in charge is an incredible thing,
and Can accomplish many things.
and ...belief in the ego mind attachments
is the world, creates the world
They can be rock solid
they can be like a feather
but always in the Thought Realm
the world of thought
And then there we go
we find it is all an illusion
if we look into it all.
The Mind Can Also become Still
can also be a reflective mirror of
a world beyond the thoughts.
And to experience this
to understand this
we have a wonderful thing
this thing we call meditation.
WE turn our awareness from the thought world
into being aware of
our deeper truth
the light of your Soul.
Meditation opens that door of awareness
to the deepest experience
of what is within.
Your truth
only experienced
when thought ceases.
If you have not experienced
the light of your Soul
and the movement of God within your Self
you have not experienced perfect peace
Perfect bliss, perfect happiness and
But that is the way of the world
thinking we know it all
and lost in thought.
Lifetime upon lifetime
we have been lost in thought
we create our world
and never understanding there is so much more.
Evolution is cool
we always with each lifetime
get a little closer in
our Spirituality awareness.
The world consciousness through each person
affects the state of life on this planet.
Once we as a world of people
discover the oneness within
discover that we are one being
in this life
then we will really Evolve
a truly fantastic
experience of our oneness
instead of our separation
and the world will become
our Garden of Eden...
Thurs Afternoon 3/19/20
Why Meditate?
If we go straight to the center of our being,
our Soul,
it is perfect!
If we come back to the body
there are multitudes of stuff that sicken the Physical body,
on the Physical plane.
Got that?
On the Physical Plane,
there are sicknesses that
affect the physical body.
On the Soul Plane,
there are no sicknesses
there is
only the pure source of life.
Get it now?
Why Meditation is so Vital?
Meditation takes us into
that perfect place
the place of Healing.
When we are
in that state of the Soul Awareness
there is Healing, Awakening, knowing.
Every second spent in that state
of Soul Awareness
through meditation
Healing is taking place.
the Physical Body heals.
Get it now?
Spend some of your time
in Meditation
Am hoping to find all of you in good health,
A roof over your head and food in your belly.
Have you been aware of your breath
at all today?
It helps
Always stay within your Bliss.
The rest will work itself out.
Haven't talked with you for awhile
Was missing that
Ok let's see what comes up
In thy Presence my Lord
I do rejoice.
In thy Presence
your vision is the path,
and the way.
Although you are always with me,
thy presence when
i am tuned into you
and there is no I, no separation
no thoughts running through the Mind,
There is only Oneness
when the Mind is still
and i am at peace
Lifetime upon lifetime
we have paid attention to what
is the physical representation
of life and this world
We have always looked outside of ourselves
To be one with the depth of your Soul
to see and experience and understand
the depth of yourself
we must look inward instead of outward
is the eye to your self.
Looking within is the key
The ultimate understanding and happiness
when you experience your real Self
Ego separates.
When Ego dissolves
when Mind becomes still
and no thoughts running through it,
the world disappears
and your experience of Your Self
is your enlightenment.
Meditation will keep you
in touch with yourself.