It is said that the mind of a genius goes to places other minds cannot go. Well isn't that also true of creative people?You need not be a genius to create fanciful worlds and imagi... moreIt is said that the mind of a genius goes to places other minds cannot go. Well isn't that also true of creative people?You need not be a genius to create fanciful worlds and imaginative lands. You need not suffer for it. You need not be tortured because of it.The creative mind looks OUTWARD into other realms and shares those visions with those of us who can only admire the art.Perhaps there is always a bit of genius in a Tolkien. I would not now. I cannot say.
We are engulfed by good or evil and focus only on that.What if there is a greater more important thing we should be paying attention to and missing completely?Do we have any OBLIGA... moreWe are engulfed by good or evil and focus only on that.What if there is a greater more important thing we should be paying attention to and missing completely?Do we have any OBLIGATION to one another?Does the very fact of "je pense donc je suis" or "cogito ergo sum" come with a price tag? Are we deadbeats who stiff others as often as we can as much as we can and pride ourselves on what we get away with?I don't know. Just wondering.
Let me start with lines from a poem by Shelley from "Ode to the West Wind""I fall upon the thorns of life. I bleed."My first and strongest reaction to that? Pick yourself up wipe y... moreLet me start with lines from a poem by Shelley from "Ode to the West Wind""I fall upon the thorns of life. I bleed."My first and strongest reaction to that? Pick yourself up wipe yourself off and stop whining.A secondary and much less intensely felt reaction? "poor baby".So who am I? I have no idea. Still all these years later at 82 I have no idea if I'm kind or mean or thoughtful or thoughtless. SIGH.Who are you?