It will be eliminated for the vast majority. All public schools will be closed. The only good citizen is a stupid citizen. The more ignorant the better. Ignorance is a basic founda... moreIt will be eliminated for the vast majority. All public schools will be closed. The only good citizen is a stupid citizen. The more ignorant the better. Ignorance is a basic foundation for the new nation.A dumb electorate who doesn't know any better. See how ideal it is for pols who don't like to be thwarted or blocked or criticized or challenged?Now the very wealthy will have their private schools. All educators will be politically approved. The curriculum will be rigid wherever the "learning" occurs. No deviation means no arguing. No one gets any lip because questions are no longer allowed. Questioning implies only bad bad things. Acceptance without objection is the only thing that will be allowed. Otherwise? Use your imagination. Once you get to otherwise you will never been seen again.See how simply life is going to be for thee?. Bring it on. Simplify. Live the good life. SIGH. less
The military gets to kill and even murder on our behalf without our consent.Cops have authority to kill/murder us. This is on our behalf? Is that not a twist of logic without fair ... moreThe military gets to kill and even murder on our behalf without our consent.Cops have authority to kill/murder us. This is on our behalf? Is that not a twist of logic without fair anywhere there?I dunno.Ostensibly previously priorly we used to elect those whom we wanted to represent us in government. That was a given and no one ever questioned it. In fact we the people took GREAT PRIDE once upon a time.Then trump along and blew that all up. Now the republicans are seeing to it that elections that we used to rely on will be eliminated. NEW AND IMPROVED.All on our behalf and for our own good of course. No one ever does anything that isn't the behalf of whom they do it for. If it seems that in fact they don't do it for us they do to us that is an illusion and out delusion.All pols are sacrosanct and holy and as such are perfect and can do no wrong. Voting futurely will be by appointment only. The voting will already be done for you. All you have to do is just sign it. Isn't that awesome good? Even great? Progress. less
Never any doubts about anything at any time for any reason.If there were a better way to do we would be doing it. If there were a better way to be we would already be it.CASE CLOSED.
How is it possible that any human being can not HATE those who do great harm to others?Apologists? Look the other way? It isn't so bar? They deserved it?I don't buy any of it. Why do you?
Innovators2.5% of homo saps are innovators. Outsiders in the mainstream culture they are responsible for their own strange mutations. They become trends if taken up by the Early Ad... moreInnovators2.5% of homo saps are innovators. Outsiders in the mainstream culture they are responsible for their own strange mutations. They become trends if taken up by the Early Adapters.Early AdaptersThey take the ideas of innovators and make them a widespread realityEarly Majority34% of the population. Mass media takes effect and the idea takes to the streetsLate MajorityMuch more self-consciousNeed a lot of reassurance before they will take on a new "trend"The LaggardsThe group where trends go to die. They are resistant to anything different from what they know. Last stop on the cycle before the death of a trend.I'm a laggard. What are you? less
They go with the power. They pile on. They bandwagon. All the while they feel ever so superior and right as they carnage and murder and deprive and deny and restrict and take victo... moreThey go with the power. They pile on. They bandwagon. All the while they feel ever so superior and right as they carnage and murder and deprive and deny and restrict and take victory laps.What has homo sap become? The worst it ever has been.Where is the striving to be better?There is none. They already think they are the best thing since sliced bread and have no intention of changing a thing.Isn't that sweet?
Success could be achieved absolutely without wealth power or control of others. How?By INFLUENCING others. By being a good example of the best of homo sap. Someone others admire re... moreSuccess could be achieved absolutely without wealth power or control of others. How?By INFLUENCING others. By being a good example of the best of homo sap. Someone others admire respect and copycat.Who has influenced you to be "better than" you are or were?
Success is relative to the individual's ability. We know. The definition of "success" is relative to the person who lusts after it.For the standard luster it involves wealth and po... moreSuccess is relative to the individual's ability. We know. The definition of "success" is relative to the person who lusts after it.For the standard luster it involves wealth and power and dominion over others.But for the exceptional? The atypical?