THe pigman "vowed Wednesday to press ahead with a fierce military offensive in the Gaza Strip pushing back against calls from the United States to wind down the opeation that has l... moreTHe pigman "vowed Wednesday to press ahead with a fierce military offensive in the Gaza Strip pushing back against calls from the United States to wind down the opeation that has left HUNDREDS dead."Allegedly the first public rift between President Biden and the yahoo.Seriously surprising. We know that YAHOO and FOOTOO are best buds. We know that YAHOO despises everything FOOTOO despises.So his is bigger than JOe's and he is going to prove by continuing on with the mounting deaths of many children. Proud moment for the YAHOO and all his supporters and adoring worshuppers most of whom are American FOOTOOHEADS. His own people despise him. And so it goes.. less
The dynamics of a CROWD versus the individuals in them. Very different.Are crowds a problem? Do they harm more than they help? When the crowd gets strength from one another it beco... moreThe dynamics of a CROWD versus the individuals in them. Very different.Are crowds a problem? Do they harm more than they help? When the crowd gets strength from one another it becomes a monster doesn't it? Then if beer is served at the concessons stands some get drunk as skunks or maybe they bring their own. Maybe they are on drugs too.Do you enjoy crowds? Being part of them? Do they juice you up embolden you make you feel part of something STRONG? Or do you avoid them?
Aren't they what help to destroy a society? Knowing it's wrong but doing it anyway or thinking it's right and doing it proudly?Which is worse when the outcome is inevitable dastardly deadly?
When I was a kid and my mom was about 40 she told me that at times she still felt 16 inside. I thought that was OUTRAGEOUS! Well here I am at 83 and me? Sometimes I'm 6 or 13 or 16... moreWhen I was a kid and my mom was about 40 she told me that at times she still felt 16 inside. I thought that was OUTRAGEOUS! Well here I am at 83 and me? Sometimes I'm 6 or 13 or 16 too. How easy it is to shed the years at times when you're older. Personally I think it's a gift and a blessing.What childish thing or things have you held on to that you think is a blessing too?
An advertising campaign for HEINZ KETCHUP in the 1980'sA 1984 song by Nayobe A U.K. advertising campaign for GUINNESS STOUT in the 1990's and 2000's.So much for creativity imaginat... moreAn advertising campaign for HEINZ KETCHUP in the 1980'sA 1984 song by Nayobe A U.K. advertising campaign for GUINNESS STOUT in the 1990's and 2000's.So much for creativity imagination invention. Ride the coattails of others. What could it hurt?