1. Dipsh** himself has been accused of raping women. Not little girls per se but that is covered in my next point.2. Dipsh** was once good friends with a notorious little girl rapi... more1. Dipsh** himself has been accused of raping women. Not little girls per se but that is covered in my next point.2. Dipsh** was once good friends with a notorious little girl rapist named Jeff the pedophile.Now the dipsh** banned Jeff from Mar a Lago allegedly because Jeff hit on the daughter of a Mar a Lago member who complained to the dipsh**. I'm guessing she was a teenager. I don't know her age.Now there is NO PROOF that dipsh** ever raped little girls but he hung out and partied with a guy who was infamous for it. You take the measure of a man by his friends. There are photos of the buddies smiling and drinking surrounded by pretty smiling party girls. That is the SAVIOR of little girls according to the QANONS?How oddly bizarre and peculiar.You'd think they'd prefer a man who is known for his goodness and kindness and devotion and respect for women not a dipsh** who isn't.So how do you reconcile the QANONS with logical when their choice of a SAVIOR is so illogical? Anyone? He certainly is not the pos... less
They are all crackpot wackadoodlenoodles who believe that the dipsh** is going to save us from demon evil child sex traffickers and democrats out to evilize the world. Remember the... moreThey are all crackpot wackadoodlenoodles who believe that the dipsh** is going to save us from demon evil child sex traffickers and democrats out to evilize the world. Remember the tinfoil hat wearers? QANON ON STEROIDS has replaced them. Dipsh** says he doesn't know much about them except that they LIKE HIM WHICH HE APPRECIATES. Figgers.! Crackpots flock together to reassure one another that they are not crackpots which they always are.Two of 'em may be elected to Congress.Remember how once upon a time the TEA PARTY took over everything? Well the QANON CRACKPOT CULT plans to do the same.Geez what has America come to that it would give credence attention "respect" to a bunch of crackpot wackadoodlenoodle crazies?OMG.Hast THOU forsaken us?Russia and putrid putin is right in there stirring up the crackpot wackadoodlenoodles giving them credence and legs and backup because what better way to accelerate the ruination of a nation than to lard it up with wackadoodlenoodle crackpots? As if the dipsh** sucker lose... less
Same reason they did it in in 2016. They know y'all are gullible and not too smart so you will believe any crap conspiracy theory and any crap dished out by bots and russians and c... moreSame reason they did it in in 2016. They know y'all are gullible and not too smart so you will believe any crap conspiracy theory and any crap dished out by bots and russians and crooks and criminals and corruption experts. It worked in 2016 and it will work again. The gullibles didn't learn anything. They are still the same gullibles they always were LUSTING to believe the latest crackpot wackadoodlenoodle lie the more egregious and elaborate and ridiculous the better. The adore absurd and embrace it fully. They will believe anything. Just try. You'll see.So racial racist bigotry in action. PROUD BOYS QANON WHITE FASCIST SUPREMACIST RACIST. Bold and loud and strong and torchy. Police reform. Police brutality.All love and support go to the cops what do the down and dirty. The dipsh** is a lover of down and dirty.All hate is directed at the scapegoat targets. They are the enemy. Hate on them as best as you can. You will be rewarded. The dipsh** loser sucker will support you and pay all legal bills for you. He sai... less
How do you know how many infiltated the organization to purposely discredit it and purposely create the vioeltn confrontations so that dipsh** could order weaponized mystery meat t... moreHow do you know how many infiltated the organization to purposely discredit it and purposely create the vioeltn confrontations so that dipsh** could order weaponized mystery meat thugs to tear gas rubber bullet and baton beat the real ANTIFA members while the ringers and shills beat it the he** outta there before the guns showed up?Do YOU know for sure?You surely (don't call me shirley) know that this sort of thing is right up the dipsh**'s alley right? Fighting dirty is his metier cuppa tea raison d'etre and privilege honor. He gets off on it.So it is 50% 25% 10%? Who knows? The dipsh** do. less
So that the inhabitants are not contaminated by truth. Can't have that anywhere within the walls lest the gullible vulnerable fall ill due to it. THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.... moreSo that the inhabitants are not contaminated by truth. Can't have that anywhere within the walls lest the gullible vulnerable fall ill due to it. THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH.Come one come all to STUPIDVILLE. Once inside you will be taken care of your entire life. You will have no worries since you will never ever never have to think or decide. Just obey every day in every way and you'll be okay.What does it cost? If you have to ask you can't afford it.
When asked again he said he'd have to know what the law was in any particular community.Now do you know that voting twice ANYWHERE at ANYTIME for ANY REASON is AGAINST THE LAW EVER... moreWhen asked again he said he'd have to know what the law was in any particular community.Now do you know that voting twice ANYWHERE at ANYTIME for ANY REASON is AGAINST THE LAW EVERYWHERE THERE IS A WHERE?Apparently the barfbarr is unaware of that because he refused to admit to commit that voting twice is what lawbreakers do.Stupid dumb. Stupid dumb. Stupid dumb. Reflects his master bigly don't he? Stupid dumb.