Why can't motors be silent? Gas or electric or whatever.Engines on a jet. NOISY.Leaf Blowers are NOISYIs noise non-eliminatable?Why do dentist's drills make so much noise?Why can't... moreWhy can't motors be silent? Gas or electric or whatever.Engines on a jet. NOISY.Leaf Blowers are NOISYIs noise non-eliminatable?Why do dentist's drills make so much noise?Why can't jackhammers break concrete with breaking your eardrums?Why do you hear streetsweepers and trash trucks? SILENCE. A goal or a fantasy?
Just watch and listen to Sean to get a preview of what "pumpkina**" will be demanding insisting on. The laura and the jeannie and the other "frends of Faux". They suggest the day b... moreJust watch and listen to Sean to get a preview of what "pumpkina**" will be demanding insisting on. The laura and the jeannie and the other "frends of Faux". They suggest the day before and the next day or sooner the pumpkina** comes out with it comes up with it pushes it. Coinkydinky? Oh c'mon! Get a grip.
Wait a minit. No. Lincoln was not a RACIST. Wuzzy?Sean Hannity?Wait a minit. The sean isn't a prez exactly...he just feeds pumpkina** his lines every day.
Ever put your very own self under a microscope to determine what weaknesses or flaws there are and how you can improve on them?Or is your "why" always reserved for others because y... moreEver put your very own self under a microscope to determine what weaknesses or flaws there are and how you can improve on them?Or is your "why" always reserved for others because you never question yourself. No need. Your motives intentions reasons are always honest honorable just fair and kind. RIGHT?