The home state of the person who lost is New York. New York did not vote for the person who lost. New York voted for the person who won.Try to spin that.
The question was asked of him "is the world a safer place today"? He said the world is ready to accept America back into the fold. There is great relief and a feeling that Democrac... moreThe question was asked of him "is the world a safer place today"? He said the world is ready to accept America back into the fold. There is great relief and a feeling that Democracy is stronger today than it was several days ago and HAS BEEN SAVED. He said the feeling was that 4 more years of the same as the last 4 years would have done GRAVE damage.What was is known. What will be isn't. But the feeling is strong that the future will do better by us than the immediate past. Of course we can't KNOW that until we live it. But feeling better is better than feeling worse.The world is feeling better. less
I know it is way way way premature but so what?Should she choose a woman to be her veep or choose a man?Any candidates you have in mind? A non-American suggested she choose Tammy D... moreI know it is way way way premature but so what?Should she choose a woman to be her veep or choose a man?Any candidates you have in mind? A non-American suggested she choose Tammy Duckworth. A fine candidate I think. There are many possibilities. That's the best thing. It is a VERY DEEP BENCH now and will be even deeper then.
To ROSIE G the Rosie I used to be prior to 2016. I thought she was gone and lost forever but she's back.I think she was just hiding deep within ready to emerge when I was ready to ... moreTo ROSIE G the Rosie I used to be prior to 2016. I thought she was gone and lost forever but she's back.I think she was just hiding deep within ready to emerge when I was ready to be her again. It's nice to find most of myself intact.
The person who lost the election. And I expect those who support. And I expect those who fear him.The world is far bigger larger grander than that small segment. The world moves on... moreThe person who lost the election. And I expect those who support. And I expect those who fear him.The world is far bigger larger grander than that small segment. The world moves on. The segment stays sitll. What will happen? I don't know but it matters so little I cannot worry about it. What mattered bigly worked out fine. I am happy with that. I am not greedy. I will be glad to settle for that.