We KNOW he has said in his own words the virus is DEADLY and is AIRBORN.Yet he holds indoor rallies that are maskless where folks sit butt to butt yelling shouting spitting cheerin... moreWe KNOW he has said in his own words the virus is DEADLY and is AIRBORN.Yet he holds indoor rallies that are maskless where folks sit butt to butt yelling shouting spitting cheering braying and exchanging their spit as they inhale exhale inhale exhale.He said it's deadly and airborne. He has rallies geared to butt to butt maskless cheering shouting yelling spitting adoring worshippers. If he calls they will come. No matter what. Their MASTER'S VOICE summons and they will comeIsn't that adorable? Devoted? Loyal? Stupid? Suicidal. less
Bully for all the markless butt to butt attendees. Do I hope they all get the virus? I don't know yet. Let me think about it for awhile. I shall get back to you. Rally I will. Real... moreBully for all the markless butt to butt attendees. Do I hope they all get the virus? I don't know yet. Let me think about it for awhile. I shall get back to you. Rally I will. Realy really rally rally I will. Everyone says so.
YEP! 51% say Biden is MORE mentally sound46% think the dipsh** isSo now that FOX has abandoned the dipsh** where does he go to be a**kissed as they used to do? OH DEAR!
That must be some tremendous horrendous twisty turny machination.Like say for example the bobblehead mikey pounce. He shows slavish devotion and adoration 24/7 to the grand and glo... moreThat must be some tremendous horrendous twisty turny machination.Like say for example the bobblehead mikey pounce. He shows slavish devotion and adoration 24/7 to the grand and glorious abomination aka dipsh**. And yet he is allegedly very religious.I will tell you this. Something stinks bigly.You cannot believe in GOD and serve HIM and also service the dipsh**. One of those things is a lie.You cannot service evil while praying to good. You simply cannot pull it off. You are lying lying lying to yourself if you think you can and you are also incredibly STUPID DUMB. Whatever. less
Do they KNOW better but dare not admit it? Or they do believe entirely that the dipsh** is their savior sent by GOD himself and he the dipsh** can save them now?
Being led around by a nose ring? Begging rolling over lying down playing dead on command and loving every second of it?The height of your aspoirations is really what you are now? S... moreBeing led around by a nose ring? Begging rolling over lying down playing dead on command and loving every second of it?The height of your aspoirations is really what you are now? Seriously? How sad is that? :(
Ever been a traitor more obvious than barfbarr? Doesn't try to hide his purpose and in fact in upfront and in your face with it. Provide easy access to everything he wants for the ... moreEver been a traitor more obvious than barfbarr? Doesn't try to hide his purpose and in fact in upfront and in your face with it. Provide easy access to everything he wants for the dipsh**! I dunno. First time I was every aware of anything so brazen evil and despicable as that. Is it new or just being replayed again?
It will take time and distance to look back on "it" and evaluate "it" and explain/describe "it".How long d'ya think that will take? Days weeks months years decades centuries?The "i... moreIt will take time and distance to look back on "it" and evaluate "it" and explain/describe "it".How long d'ya think that will take? Days weeks months years decades centuries?The "it" to which I refer is our current reality in all its manifestations infestations calculations regurgitations iterations devastations confrontations evaluations irritations lacerations eviscerations cessations creations visitations emasculations innoculations . That "it".