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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » There are no dem candidates as FAT/OBESE as don. His size intimidates. Remember him STALKING Hillary on stage?

There are no dem candidates as FAT/OBESE as don. His size intimidates. Remember him STALKING Hillary on stage?

He can simply sit down on any Dem candidate and crush him/her to death. 400 lbs or more?

We need a bigger size heavier taller person to stalk him back.

A pinch hitter.

Never been done before but so what? Get a huge heavy big strong GUY or GAL to stalk don on stage as the dem candidate does all the talking. The don be a coward man so it won't take much to cow him.

The incredible hulk only not the cartoon version? Even better a SUMO Wrestler? 500 lbs dripping wet naked almost except for the "loincloth" they wear covering the privates? Picture it. Sumo stalks don and the camera never leaves the don face. Sweat is dripping down his face. Sumo is very close to him every minute eyeing him. It doesn't matter who else is on stage with him don will be the focal point to watch the meltdown. Whatever he says to SUMO SUMO replies GRUNT. How do you intimidate threaten extort bully a 500 lb grunt?

Posted - February 11, 2020


  • 35071
    245 pounds and 6'3".....
      February 11, 2020 6:50 AM MST