Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "The evil men do lives after them. The good if oft interred with the bones." What about the evil men ENDURE? What happens to it?
Evil must always be the target of a constant battle. It must never be allowed to relax rest. NEVER. As long as we fight it with all our might it will never win. It may hold the upper hand from time to time but it will never do us in. Remember...I thank GOD for my unconquerable soul. Evil will never conquer me or thee or others like us. We have to keep talking about it and the more we talk the LOUDER we get. Evil is a wimp and afraid and weak when it confronts truth. That's what I'm counting on Sharon. That's why I keep at it. I'll be dam*ed if evil wins on my watch. Until I am done in I will be fighting. Thank you for your reply.