Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I don't KNOW of course but I like to think that those elected prez were HONORED that they were trusted to do right by we the people. Do don?

I don't KNOW of course but I like to think that those elected prez were HONORED that they were trusted to do right by we the people. Do don?

It seems to me you would have to KNOW what honor is in the first place to value it and I doubt very much that don values honor because he always goes out of his way to avoid interaction with it. He is a very great DISHONORABLE so of course he always manages to stay as far away from it as he can.

So far he has done a HE**uva job at doing that.

Posted - February 14, 2020


  • 17067
    He was never a scout and can't spell "honor". (Neither can you, it's "honour", lol. We Aussies use Brit spelling).

    I don't think he actually cares about "we the people", it's all about POWER. Power to do whatever the Hell he likes, like stuffing his pockets with taxpayers money by charging the Secret Service to stay in HIS resort, and use HIS golf carts, when he's on one of the bazillion vacations he promised in the 2016 campaign that he wouldn't take. Abusing his position to give his family members plum WH jobs in flagrant disregard of the Postal Reserve Act (the so-called "Bobby Kennedy" law). Neither of those were broached in the impeachment trial, so if by some demonic machinations he's reelected, provided that some Senators with integrity are elected this time they can impeach him AGAIN. Pointless if Moscow Mitch and his cronies still control, but it could be a different Senate in 2021.
      February 14, 2020 5:13 AM MST