I'm not saying you will like this. It is very doughy. It has the texture of a little dumpling. It is made with potato and flour. It tastes like pasta though and not potato. You can buy a package of premade gnoccihi for about $3-4. And if you have some good sauce, and good cheese, its very easy. Or go to a good restaurant and order it so you can see what it is supposed to taste like. Don't go to Element's house for any.
I suppose a year or so. It is good, that said there are so many other choices for cheese and starch (1). The closest restaurant which serves it is 4km from our house (2). It is a pain in the A__S to make at home these days (3).
I will blame #3 on two kids and two dogs who demand attention and bribes if the cheese comes out. Do note the bribe is the cheese
I get a craving for it about once a year. So, you are right. I agree. And the dogs are right. What is gnocchi without the cheese? (I spelled it wrong the first time)
You havd it right on these 2 American Staples - absolutely processed muck. I make my sauce from scratch with Fresh tomatoes and the Gnocchi from real potatoes.
Processed foods here are taxed with a VAT, so cooking from scratch is always cheaper