Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» OMG! THE KISS OF DEATH? Mike Bloomberg "considering" Hillary Clinton for his veep? Say it ain't so Joe! What is he thinking?
If that is true he is proving he is a not very smart.
He has a commercial playing here that he should have edited the people in the background out. I will see if I can find it. Too much. But not in Biden terrority yet.
I vote for Kamala Harris. I think a woman veep on the ticket would be a smart move. BUT HILLARY? Geez it would certainly be controversial. SIGH. Mebbe there are still millions of Hillary fans out there m2c. I don't know. Anyway it has caused a lot of talk and at this stage perhaps that's exactly what Bloomberg is hoping for. Attention. It sure got mine! Thank you for your reply! :)