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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We have a military that is ALLEGEDLY brave in battle but too cowardly to refuse to capitulate to the rantings of an insane man. WHY?

We have a military that is ALLEGEDLY brave in battle but too cowardly to refuse to capitulate to the rantings of an insane man. WHY?

They roll over whimpering just as the republican sinaturds in the senate and other toady sycophant eunuch hoors who support the insanity do like liddlelindsaygrahamcracker et al. No one is brave enough to FOLLOW THE LAW and PROTECT THE NATION against the wackadoodle illegal haphazard demands. NO ONE. Sigh.

Posted - February 17, 2020


  • 34669
    Military follows the orders of those above them. Up to the President. 

    I believe any who signed up for to serve our country are truly brave. They put their lives on the line for the rights of all Americans. 
    I could never call them cowardly or "allegedly brave" but because of them we have the right to do so. Just because we can do something does not mean we should. 
      February 17, 2020 6:36 AM MST