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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Do repubbacans DESPISE democrats or socialists more? Any of you brave repubbacans gonna jump in here and answer?

Do repubbacans DESPISE democrats or socialists more? Any of you brave repubbacans gonna jump in here and answer?

We know the don DESPISES dems. Does he have a clue what socialism is d'ya think?

He doled out $1.5 TRILLION in socialism to the obscenely wealthy but he probably didn't know what it was. A BRIBE or a PROMISE MADE? Who cares?

Posted - February 17, 2020


  • 46117
    Since we know the platitudes they utter, anyone can jump in.

    They think Bernie is a commie.  And they are scaring you enough that you are voting for BLOOMBERG or worse Buttigieg?  
    I don't see any difference between a backpeddling fool like Susan Collins and a billionaire that can call his own shots and get in bed with big money like HILARY, or Buttigieg who has a horrid record as mayor just like Bloomberg.  And keeps flip-flopping on important issues like health care for all.  If you don't do HEALTH CARE FOR ALL, you get the insurance companies vying for attention and the whole thing goes south.

    Bernie is not a communist.  And socialism is something ALL Americans need to look at.  NOT JUST THE GOP.
      February 17, 2020 11:30 AM MST

  • 113301
    ABove all it seems repubbacans are afraid. They fear don. They fear the people. They fear their own shadows. They only speak up to robot automaton the repubbacan approved script of talking points. Elsewise otherwise you'd think they were mute. Oh well. You can lead a horse to water but he will die of thirst. Poor horsy. Thank you for your reply Sharon. Here's an oddity I have found. Fols who LOVE someone bigly cannot abide those who don't. You love Bernie. I don't. Does that automatically put us on a shaky footing? I guess. I won' anyone shove anyone down my throat. Bernie believers are very passionate and very certain he is the antidote to what ails us. I don't think he is. Could I be wrong? Soitenly I could be wrong. But that's my opinion. It always still is. No matter how much bernie berlievers keep entreating and believing in him I do not. I guess that makes me a traitor. So be it. Happy Tuesday.
      February 18, 2020 2:40 AM MST