Now I'm wondering if the Confederate States of America considered calling themselves the Allied Southern States, until somebody pointed out what the initials were. LOL
I think you're on to something VERY BIG Walt. Hahahahahaha. Geez laughter is the best medicine. I mean every ASS is not alike. Depends on the size right? Shape as well? That tickles me. Thank you for your creative take. Now every time I think of POTASS I will laugh. Allied Northern States doesn't quite bring it. :)
EVEN BETTER! I confess I HAD TO READ IT TWICE TO GET IT! But I got it and it is more than clever. I mean a** anal anus. Oh dear. Bad Rosie. "Good better best Never let it rest till the good is better the better best.
A** anal WHY did that occur to me? Can ya fix it so we got a comparable to it using A** anal anus Walt? I told you this is BAD ROSIE. If she makes you uncomfy just ignore her. Right now I am going to Google "brokered convention". Don't know really what it is. Gonna find out! :)
Okay, but that pales in comparison to President Trump meaning FART. This should be the joke that never dies. Until he does, of course.
Make it soon, god. Make it soon.
Does Trump mean fart in England?
In England, “Trump” MeansFart — And Other Notable Translations Of The President’s Last Name. President Trump cut a stinky one at a White House dinner with new British Prime Minister, Theresa May — which is appropriate since “trump” means “fart” in cheery old England.
His stench is perfume to his adoring worshippers Sharon. They inhale deeply each time he passes gas. Their smellers are not the best. Thank you for your reply! :)