Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Every single world leader whom our head respects admires compliments is known for his CRUELTY! NO EXCEPTIONS. Our head mimics them. Why not?
Interesting, isn't it? A leader who idolizes hate and cruelty and is fascinated by totalitarianism. And yet so few see this. he craves power, yea, he worships power. his greatest fantasy was fulfilled when he assumed the "throne" (in his eyes) of the greatest power in the world. he sees himself as a god (narcissistic).
It will be getting so much worse Shuhak. Now that I know his peeps adore him BECAUSE OF HIS CRUELTY BECAUSE THEY ARE CRUEL TOO I have no hope that any of them will ever abandon him. I give up talking to them about him because it is like talking to him. They don't listen they don't care they don't anything except adoringly worship the master cruel SOB. I hope they all spend eternity together inflicting cruelty on one another. I know GOD is not going to do that but I can dream can't I? Thank you for your reply! :)