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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The dumb of don sez that "Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves from cases involving him." What's wrong with THAT?

The dumb of don sez that "Sotomayor and Ginsberg should recuse themselves from cases involving him." What's wrong with THAT?

Well the senile dumb of don HIT THE ROOF and railed at Jeff Sessions repeatedly for recusing himself from a case involving him.

The dumbsh** is so dumb he thinks we don't remember the massive insults attacks and tantrum hissyfits he kept repeating over and over and over about if he knew Sessions was going to recuse himself he never would have appointed him to be Attorney General.

See how stupid dumb dumb don is and how insulting it is that he believes we too are as stupid dumb?

He whined and bellyched and moaned and groaned and kvetched and girlymanned  every day all day about it and wondered where his roy cohn was? He's got his roycohn but now he is gunning for SCOTUS.

I know y'all absolutely support him in this...his push pull mentality. Whatever he wants he gets. I get it.

Posted - February 25, 2020


  • 34989
    If any have a conflict they should recluse themselves...never happens. 
      February 25, 2020 8:17 AM MST

  • 1152
      February 25, 2020 8:30 AM MST

  • 113301
      February 25, 2020 8:31 AM MST

  • 34989
    I stand corrected.
    Good for her. I had forgotten.
      February 25, 2020 8:44 AM MST