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Discussion » Questions » Transportation » If all vechicles become self driving in the near will the police and authorities cope with the loss of billions of trivial fines

If all vechicles become self driving in the near will the police and authorities cope with the loss of billions of trivial fines

How do you prosecute a machine for making mistakes.....if no vechicles break 
any laws ....where will the police get their billions and billions of dollars from then....there will be no drink car insurance claims....
no car crashes many vechile repairers will have to close and hospitals and your medical professions will loose their will even effect how bodies  Cemetery's get to bury or dispose of....

All down to AI ....When AI hits the shops soon....what will you do for work....You will just be a machines Minow....or slave worker... 

Posted - February 25, 2020


  • 44736
    Quite simple...increases taxes and declare war against the US.
      February 25, 2020 6:50 PM MST

  • 14795
    How do you tax machines and people with no jobs ? :) 
      February 25, 2020 8:24 PM MST

  • 5391

    Billions and billions? Hmmm. I doubt that  

    Think about the time the cops will be gaining to focus on real crimes.

    Safer driving cars (theoretically) means fewer accident responses, fewer trauma cases, less stress on medical facilities. Less lost workdays (in traffic court, jail, or medical rehab)
    No road rage. No maniacs racing. No idiots blocking traffic. All in theory. Probably never gonna happen. 

    In point of fact, I really couldn’t care less, as I don’t have much reason to drive anymore, even though my wife and I have 4 cars, a Ram Truck and a Class A motor coach. I’ll never own a self-driving car. And don’t get me started about self-driving boats....

      February 25, 2020 7:23 PM MST

  • 14795
    I believe automation has put countless thousands out of work in car manafacture and all white appliances...even in the food industry and also farms...What happens when humans are no longer needed to work or make things...:( 
      February 25, 2020 8:23 PM MST

  • 5391

    Then we’ll be needed (though in smaller numbers) to maintain, program and repair all of the automation. The rest, who don’t own the companies or can’t afford certain schools, may compete for livelihood in low-caste service jobs. 

    It is a truism that too much of anything (unabated AI) will lead to too little of something else (human involvement). When we cede our power to another regime, it is seldom returned. The social dynamics of the Terminator movies suddenly leap inti view. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at February 26, 2020 8:34 AM MST
      February 25, 2020 8:59 PM MST

  • 14795
    You can't stop progress can you.... You just have to diversify in to other new things... 
      February 26, 2020 2:52 AM MST

  • All I can think of is how convenient it will be to participate in Play-time with companion occupants  while cruising down the road.  As things currently are it requires multi-tasking.  Self driving cars mean I have more freedom to concentrate on having fun without compromising safety.
      February 25, 2020 7:47 PM MST

  • 14795
    You could also end up with another mouth or two to feed ,if I understand you rightly...:)D
      February 25, 2020 8:18 PM MST

  • 44736
    A kid was driving his Tesla on auto-pilot yesterday while he was playing a video game. It crashed. The auto-pilot feature is not perfect and accidents are bound to happen. We will still need plenty of medical facilities as automobile wrecks only a minor portion for hospital care. The medical industry is the largest employer in our area and there is a shortage of doctors and nurses. We will still need cops for crime and traffic violations...and to keep the doughnut shops in business.
      February 26, 2020 8:43 AM MST

  • 6023
    Unless the laws are changed ... even "self driving" cars will require a human "driver".  So even if you aren't operating the vehicle, if you are sitting in the driver seat and drunk - they will still ticket you.  Same as today, if the car is parked and you are in the driver seat and intoxicated.
      February 26, 2020 11:03 AM MST