THAT IS AWESOME E! I hope it stays that way. Maybe your being in Toledo is a kind of protection since I think both coasts will be hit harder. Of course I don't KNOW that. Fingers crossed. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
Nobody ever comes here. People go out of there way to stay away or leave. The only Chinese we have here are professors at our Engineering school, a handful of doctors and some restaurant owners.
Did you know where you live will be prime property in a few decades according to what I read about climate change and the rising of the oceans? Seacoast towns that are very pricey now will be under water. Especially Florida New Jersey and New York. California too I guess. The Florida keys will be a memory. I've never been to the south but I understand there are outer islands around various southern states where folks live now. The year of reckoning is supposed 2050! Thank you for your reply E and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
It hits old people hardest m2c so we're that...Jim and me. Old. And because Jim had a stroke last April and he is 84 and he loves to go out and about doing "guy" things like going to Home Depot and Costco and Harbor Freight. where there are LOTS OF PEOPLE I worry. Though when we went to Winco Thursday about 7:30 in the morning it was almost empty which was very spooky. I dunno.Should I try to keep him at home now? Good luck to all of us. Thank you for your reply! :)
Hi m2c. Separate subject entirely. If I block someone from accessing my email account does that person know he/she is blocked? Is there some mechanism that informs blocked folks? Thanks and Happy Sunday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at March 1, 2020 1:08 AM MST