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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is isn't just that he made them RICH. His base will never abandon him because he is such a CRUEL VINDICTIVE SON OF B**CH! Will they?

Is isn't just that he made them RICH. His base will never abandon him because he is such a CRUEL VINDICTIVE SON OF B**CH! Will they?

So their stockmarket accounts can keep tanking daily and their 401K's can lose 90% of their value. He still will own their hearts mind and souls because above all else he is a CRUEL VICIOUS HATEFUL VINDICTIVE SOB DETERMINED TO DESTROY PILLAGE ANNIHILATE! Great for him ain't it though?

Posted - February 29, 2020


  • 34987
      February 29, 2020 6:35 AM MST