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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It's Super Tuesday in 14 states (I think) and my state is one of them. I feel SUPER DUPER. Do you feel super duper too? Why?

It's Super Tuesday in 14 states (I think) and my state is one of them. I feel SUPER DUPER. Do you feel super duper too? Why?

Posted - March 3, 2020


  • 10782
    Not really. 

    The election here is a joke.  For state assembly only a republican was ruing. An independent wanted to run, but the law says there must be one person running from each major party for an independent to run.  So 2 days before the filing deadline, the dems just picked someone at random - literally!  I wonder how many people took the time to check into this before they voted? 

    They purposefully confused people with prop 13.

    90% of voters won't take the time to check into who/what they're voting for.  They'll either vote party, for whoever their friends or family members tells them to, for whoever had the nicest(slickest) mailing, or the person who was on the last political sign they saw.
      March 3, 2020 2:49 PM MST

  • 113301
    Your answer makes me feel sad Shuhak. That is such a dumb rule/law. How in the heck did such a dumb law get passed? That someone from each party must run in order for an Independent to run? WHY? What's the purpose point and where's the LOGIC in that Thank you for your reply. How about this m'dear? When you are feeling SUPER DUPER about something you can share would you let me know? Seriously. If it's not too private of course. Okey dokey? :)
      March 4, 2020 2:47 AM MST