How can one who doesn't LIE or CHEAT possibly win against "the other" who always lies and always cheats? Just a pie-in-the sky fantasy or a reality that is within one's reach if the reach extends long enough?
Playing by the rules - viable or fantasy
Cheating and lying have nearly become the norm in this world. In fact many times it's even expected (assumed). Cheating to win a game/contest, lying to get a job or to get ahead. It's gotten so bad that somethat many say "if you can't beat 'em, then join 'em". A few say, "why even bother vying?" The result - cheaters and liars not only win but they prosper). What many fail to see is that not only do cheaters and liars win the "game" (contest), but they also win converts. "Everybody's doing it, so why shouldn't I?" The more who do it, the easier it is to do. Even those who morals many times sacrifice them just to get anywhere (or so they tell themselves). Justifying bad behavior is getting easier and easier. If those we esteem cheat and lie (ie. movie stars, sports players, bosses, government officials), then why shouldn't we? Deflating a game ball, using steroids, slandering a rival, exaggerating our heritage, bribing officials in order to get preferential treatment ... the list goes on and on.
Sticking to one's scruples is hard and is getting harder by the day. Immorality goes up while morality goes down. Cheaters and liars permeate all levels of our government. They fester in our schools. They surround us at our jobs (employees and customers). It's gotten so bad that when a person actually shows they have scruples/morals,they stand out like a sore thumb. While those who reuse to chat and lie may not get far in this world, they are noticed. Others see them, sometimes even copy them. And that's a win.