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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Have any of you voted for a "write-in" candidate for any position in any election? Might you do that November if you don't like the options?

Have any of you voted for a "write-in" candidate for any position in any election? Might you do that November if you don't like the options?

Posted - March 7, 2020


  • 19937
    I wrote in Miss Piggy, but I can't recall what I was voting for.  It wasn't a major election - maybe something local and I didn't like any of the candidates.
      March 7, 2020 10:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    OMG L! SERIOUSLY? I would have written in KERMIT but I dig MISS PIGGY TOO! Gosh what a great idea! Write in a cartoon character. How about YODA? Or the "good" witch in Wizard of Oz? What fun. Maybe we could convince folks to bandwagon with us and make a statement? I LOVE IT! Thank you for your reply! :) Of course I gotta ask.
      March 7, 2020 10:50 AM MST