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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Parents are responsible for their kids. Employers are responsible for their employees. "Leaders" are responsible for their supporters. DUH?

Parents are responsible for their kids. Employers are responsible for their employees. "Leaders" are responsible for their supporters. DUH?

Those who REFUSE to take responsibility about those things will never take responsibility for anything. Be warned. Beware! We don't need another dumb don responsibility accountability SHIRKER do we? Isn't one quite enough?

Posted - March 7, 2020


  • 34982
    You cannot expect a politican to be responsible for their supporters unless those supporters are also staff.

    Should Bernie be responsible for the supporter who shot Reps at a baseball practice?
    Should Dems be responsible for Antifa's violence? 

    There is a line they should know not to cross in their rhetoric. Many fail that though. 
      March 7, 2020 6:25 AM MST