With the preemptive interpretation of the Mueller Report IN ADVANCE of its release barrbell very badly DISTORTED the truth and the judge says he LACKS CREDIBILITY among other TRUTHS. Well we all know that the fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn IS NOT THE TOP LAWYER FOR THE COUNTRY. HE IS THE PERSONAL LAWYERPROTECTOR for dumb don and makes no bones about it. That is not the job of the Attorney General but that is what fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn has delivered to survive. Anything less than being a simpering whimpering begging lying down and rolling over doggy for dumb don and the fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn will be out on his a** and replaced by another DEPENDABLE LOYAL a**kisser. And so it go. Hamsters in a cage going nowhere.
Merry-go-rounds makes lots of sounds. So what? It is worthless just like the fakeAGliddlebillybarrroycohn lapdog. The BEST people dumb don promised. Draining the swamp dumb don promised. He did drain it of all the useful PATRIOTIC people and replaced them with more lapdog whinya** cretins whose whose only job is to SERVICE dumb don 24/7. BEST people? Really?