Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Have any of your received a card yet about the upcoming 2020 CENSUS. We did yesterday. Are you worried too?

Have any of your received a card yet about the upcoming 2020 CENSUS. We did yesterday. Are you worried too?

What me worry? Dam* straight I worry! How do we know what we report will be AS WE REPORT IT and not sabotaged corrupted manipulated changed to benefit the dumb don cabal et al goals? WHAT PROOF will we have that for once the gubment won't LIE to us? None whatsoever. So that's why I worry. Do you worry too or are you part of the y'all who trusts dumb don and the cabal et al to be 100% honest honorable truthful having our best interests in mind at all times? WHY?

Posted - March 8, 2020
