He thinks (and I agree) that the person who GETS THE MOST VOTES SHOULD BE PRESIDENT. He also thinks the runnerup should be the veep. It's that last part that is very thought-provoking.
Imagine Hillary as president(she got almost 3 million MORE votes than dumb don) and dumb don as her veep!
Dumb don would never stand for being second banana TO A WOMAN especially and to Hillary most definitely. Putting that aside and pretending he would serve in that capacity what kind of gubment would we see?
What would be the potentialities possibilities sure things? Quite an idea isn't it?
The drafters of the Constitution set up a system in which presidents were chosen by members of an Electoral College, and each elector got to vote for two people. The candidate with the most electoral votes (as long as it was a majority) became president, while the second-place finisher was awarded the VP title.
In 1796, two men from opposing political parties, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, were elected president and vice president, respectively, making governing challenging. The system’s flaws continued to be exposed in 1800, when Jefferson and his party’s preferred choice for veep, Aaron Burr, pulled in the same number of electoral votes, sending the contest to the House of Representatives, which selected Jefferson for president on the 36th ballot.
By the time of the 1804 election, the 12th Amendment had been ratified, replacing the original system with the current one requiring electors to cast a separate vote for president and VP.