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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is it pure greed that prevents America from GOING GREEN and wanting CLEAN air, CLEAN water, CLEAN land? Or is it something worse?

Is it pure greed that prevents America from GOING GREEN and wanting CLEAN air, CLEAN water, CLEAN land? Or is it something worse?

Posted - March 10, 2020


  • 3719
    I'll leave you to judge better than I can whether this is worse than greed or not, but I think another factor is simply not wanting to cut back on what people have become so used to over so many years, to the point of perhaps taking it all for granted.

    It seems to me as well that Americans are very resistant to being told what to do by their own Governments for their own good; but it would have to be national Governmental policies and regulations that would make much difference - though I know some states like California are decidedly "going green" already.
      March 10, 2020 5:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That's one of the reasons why dumb don HATES Californians and California Durdle. Our GUV ignores him completely and is sticking with programs already in place to lower auto emissions and keep doing environmentally sound practices. Dumb don HATES being ignored. Poor baby! No one cares here in our state except the rare pocket republicans. People are selfish and lazy and petulant and defiant in many places in the USA. ALL OF THEM are dumb don adoring worshippers. They adore how he is what he is what he says what he does what he doesn't say and what he doesn't do. HE IS PERFECT in their eyes and they model themselves after him. WWDDD? What would dumb don do? Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Wednesday. Hope things are going well for you. Stay Safe! :)
      March 11, 2020 2:58 AM MDT