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aM presidential debate: Policy on government and regulation of aM: Each candidate states their postion and argues their case for why it works best.

1. #WonderHeart2017 - duet-candidates SapphicHeart and WingedWonder - LoveOnly.

2. Not Trump - aka El Machismo - veep Lucia - Family First but no censorship.

3. GoatJumper as veep for River Rat who is away earning money - campaigning for no government/anarchy = personal freedom with responsibility.

The people are free to comment at any and all stages.

The winner will be decided by Muggers' votes on election day, 1st November, 2016.

First stage debate - state your policies as clearly as possible so all can understand.

The people may comment.

Second stage - each candidate and/or veep states why and how their policies will work best to make aM the best country and culture it can be - the best social site on the Net.

Third stage - candidates/veeps argue what is wrong with opponent's policies: why and how the would not or cannot work in the long term.

Fourth Stage - each party summarizes its own position as succinctly as possible.

Posted - September 23, 2016


  • You didn't hear?
    SapphicHart retired from the run.
    Just like that.
    Had enough.
    Feel bad for her.
    Not really.
    Just giving her time to make it.public.

      September 26, 2016 12:38 PM MDT

  • That still leaves you in the race against the anarchists GoatJumper and River Rat.

    Now is the time to declare your policies and clarify them.

    If you are planning a Skittles approach we need to know - for it would mean aM would become a virtual island if you won the election.

      September 26, 2016 12:55 PM MDT

  • Looks like it's just you and me, Ms Fire.
    You should just make the jump.
    You know you want to.
    Everybody knows that.
    SapphicHart have basically given up.
    Went to visit her at the thespian lair, and couldn't even get a hello.
    Sad actually, .. I was...

      September 26, 2016 7:05 PM MDT

  • The feet of foot-soldiers are powerful things.

    It's one thing to be the last one standing...

    It's another to attract the votes of the nation.

    If the nation abstains from voting, the higher powers get the pick.

    JA wins by default

    and that may be beause

    it's her that we really want running the site exactly as she does.


    It was a good game while it lasted.

    Thanks for playing the role of devil's advocate -

    it made it much more fun.

    I wonder if some of those polies in the real life ever feel the same.

      September 26, 2016 7:13 PM MDT

  • In All Ways Living Love...

    all hail to thee WingedWonder! :)

      September 26, 2016 8:32 PM MDT

  • 17260
    Lies over lies. Stick to the questions Mr. X. We haven't heard from your running mate for a long time, in fact she seems not even being a member of aM. That will disqualify your duet as candidates. What did you do to the beautiful Lucia?

    As for Goat and Rat we haven't heard Rat officially accept his candidacy.

    #LoveMatters #WingedHeart2016
      September 26, 2016 8:52 PM MDT