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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It is now officially a GLOBAL PANDEMIC per the World Health Organization! Per Dr. Fauci "the worst is yet to come"! Thanks to whom?

It is now officially a GLOBAL PANDEMIC per the World Health Organization! Per Dr. Fauci "the worst is yet to come"! Thanks to whom?

Thanks to dumb don who HOAXED his way through it FOR WEEKS and HOAXED his adoring worshipper folks to HOAX THEIR WAY THROUGH IT TOO!

Any of those hoax folks quarantined? Any of them die yet because of dumb don's dumb don PRETENSE that it was all an evil DEMOCRAT PLOT ALL HOAX TO TAKE HIM DOWN?

Good job for those who still believe the jacka** stupid dumb dumb don. Worry about whomever your stupid dumb disbelief caused to die. You think that's harsh? You will never know how much YOUR STUPID DUMB will have caused grave tragedy. You don't care. Just like the stupid dumb don. You are all PATHETIC.

Posted - March 11, 2020


  • There are many of us out here that take the current health emergency seriously. However, the howling mob that wants to attach some sort of political blame, just keep in mind that certain powerful Congressional Democrats COULD have better spent their time on addressing the various problems associated with a mounting pandemic threat instead of wasting money and time on their Quixotic and failed impeachment. But then, a lack of common sense can prove to be fatal in a nation where knowledge abounds and wisdom is so scarce. This post was edited by my2cents at March 11, 2020 6:16 PM MDT
      March 11, 2020 6:06 PM MDT