Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» There is no I in we but apparently there is an I in ME cuz that's all we ever hear from the HOAX! Memememememememememememememe! SERIOUSLY?
Mebbe bebbe! Who knows what that dumbsh** HOAX wants? His adoring worshippers will give it to him no doubt. He declares a National Emergency about something he ignored then ridiculed as a HOAX? His adoring worshippers are brainless braindead debrained to go along with that. He whiplashes them to and fro and they don't even know it! Sheesh. Thank you for your reply Walt. Today tomorrow yesterday. Swell as he** and way biglier to come. Stay tuned. Buckle up. Everyone says so. That I can tell you! SIGH. :(
This post was edited by RosieG at March 14, 2020 2:06 AM MDT
Parlez-vous Francais mon ami? Moi aussi. Un petit peur. Didja see the yesterday COVID 19 update Shuhak? All the health professionals jammed together on the stage and HOAX even shook hands. The room was full of reporters. Business as usual. Very confusing when they speak about social distancing and they are elbow to elbow. Total washouts. They don't practice what they preach. Typical. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
Okey dokey Shuhak. I won't pull that on you again. Just a shot in the dark. We have so much in common I took a shot. Well of course I'm as old as your mom so age is not among them. Thank you for your reply. Apparently on a Saturday we're gonna get a press conference update on COVID 19 from mickeymousepounce and the HOAX! Fun and games for guys and dames. :*
This post was edited by RosieG at March 14, 2020 10:42 AM MDT
Say What? She speaks Polish and you speak "American" and you can communicate via a tool called "Google translate"? Whoa momma. I did not know that such was available! Sounds real groovy. Why Poland? I have nothing against the country but why Poland? Thank you for your reply. If I use French I will put the translation in parentheses. Sometimes it seems the best way to express myself though I don't know why. I am really fluent in the language but from time time I "think" in French! Go FIGGER1 :)
Not exactly. Yes she speaks Polish. When she communicates with me (letters and online), she occasionally slips in a few Polish words that I have to translate (I do not speak Polish). I have used several online translation sites (ie. Reverso, Cambridge Dictionary) so I could send her birthday/christmas cards in Polish. We met online several years ago (we had a few things in common). A few years later, she decided to get a masters degree so she could teach. One of the requirements was English. So I taught her some English (beyond what her college professors could).
You've heard the expression "it ain't over till the FAT LADY sings"? Here is Amurrica "it ain't over till the fAT GENT lies". FAT GENT being the one and only HOAX! Thank you for your reply Nanoose. Hope Sophie Trudeau gets well soon. :)