Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Small hands small brain incompetent from head to toe. TALK IS CHEAP. ACTIONS SPEAK. Small brain cheap talk is enuff for y'all?
The HOAX infected everyone January 2017. The merry-go-round and swinging door of his gubment has turned out doodooheads by the barrel. I'd like to quarantine his mouth and his fingers. ZERO speaking and ZEROER tweeting. Let him stand there in all his orangeness silently witnessing listening. That's it. For all the good he's done which is to say less than none he has no right to open his mouth. But of course he will to justify and insult and attack. That is absotively posilutely all he is good for...nothing. Thank you for your question Shuhak and your comment. Would that we could! :)